In Wisconsin the law requires a personal injury case to be filed within three years of the accident. While there are some exceptions, this is the prevailing rule. Other states may have shorter limitations and it’s important to understand this.
Some types of claims have built-in limits that require even quicker action or the case is forever finished. An example is when a claim is made against a municipality or a state. In those cases, a written notice is required that must be filed and then a claim filed within a certain time. If the defendant driver is a Federal Government employee, the time limits are very strict and unforgiving. This can be devastating because you may not know the man or woman that hit you was actually considered a Federal Government employee. You wait for your injury to mature all the while the claim has expired because you or your lawyer have failed to comply with the Federal Tort Claim Act.
When you have an accident resulting in personal injury, see the Maeder Legal Team immediately. Time is not on your side; rather, it’s always on the side of the insurance company. These restrictive time limits are, in some cases, as short as 90 days. We know the rules and we’ll comply with them so you won’t lose your claim due to lawyer negligence. Unfortunately, the law doesn’t require insurance companies to advise you of the maze of limitations surrounding many types of cases, so if you fail to comply, then you’ll lose. In fact, the insurance company will attempt to make you believe that time is on your side, all the while your case is actually going down the drain.